Chartered Accountants

We are more than chartered accountants and bookkeepers in Milan. We are specialists able to support the processes of corporate innovation and always pursue the interests of the customer in compliance with maximum transparency and current legislation by providing specialist advice at a high level. We are aware of the importance of supporting our clients not only in strategic decision-making processes but also in their daily needs by providing timely, specialized and, above all, personalized feedbacks and solution

Continuous Support

Continuous support for strategic decisions and daily needs

Timely responses

We provide immediate solutions to ensure that clients face challenges without delays.

Personalized Approach

Each client receives tailored treatment, with solutions adapted to their specific needs.

Dario Grilli


A founding partner of the Firm, he graduated in Business Economics from Bocconi University and qualified as a professional in 2001. After his initial experience in industry and real estate, he specialized in the digital field (e-commerce, mobile and web apps, electronic invoicing).

  • Degree in Economics and Commerce from Bocconi University in Milan.
  • Member of Certified Public Accountants, Auditors and Advisors of Milan, auditor
  • Enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants no. 5794 of 14/05/2001
  • Enrolled in the Register of Auditors no. 130551 Gazette no. 81 of 17/10/2003

Dario Grilli



Author of the manual “Tassazione delle App” (“App Taxation”).
Lecturer at various conferences, including workshops for Officine Formative.

Roberto Conti


A founding partner of the Firm, he deals mainly with corporate taxation and is a consultant to national industrial companies with particular regard to civil and tax issues. He has also gained many years of experience in the management and tax planning of family and business real estate assets, also with regard to corporate restructuring operations in relation to generational transfer.

  • Degree in Economics and Commerce from the Catholic University of Milan.
  • Member of Certified Public Accountants, Auditors and Advisors of Milan, auditor.
  • Enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants no. 5359 of 14/04/1999
  • Enrolled in the Register of Auditors no. 137008 Gazette no. 60 of 29/07/2005

Giulia Luca


Graduated in Economics and Business from the Catholic University of Milan, she obtained her professional qualification in 2016. She mainly deals with tax and corporate consulting and tax litigation.

  • Degree in Economics and Commerce from the Catholic University of Milan.
  • Member of Certified Public Accountants, Auditors and Advisors of Milan, auditor.
  • Enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants no. 9799 of 21/09/2016
  • Enrolled in the Register of Auditors no. 178595 Gazette no. 39 of 25/05/2017

Vanessa Ruffin


Laureata in Amministrazione, Controllo e Finanza Aziendale presso l’Università di Pavia, ha conseguito l’abilitazione all’esercizio della professione nel 2018. Si occupa principalmente di consulenza fiscale e societaria, di valutazioni aziendali e della gestione degli adempimenti relativi alle Holding.

  • Laureata in Amministrazione, Controllo e Finanza Aziendale presso l’Università di Pavia;
  • Iscritta all’Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili di Pavia;
  • Iscrizione Albo dei Dottori Commercialisti n. 1004/A del 12.02.2019.
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Contact Studio CONTI GRILLI

If you are looking for a reliable partner to meet your financial and accounting needs, Studio CONTI GRILLI is the answer.